Reiki sessions on request

I offer Reiki Sessions on request
- During the massage session on request (free)
- add-on to your massage : $30 (25 minutes add-on)
- 50 minutes session : $85

Here is my story with Reiki, an Energy healing practice.

In 2013, my mom was loosing her motor skills, her walk was stiff and slow. The beautiful, always smiling and active person we knew was wondering what was happening to her! One day, her anxiety peaked, she was just crying and crying and nothing could stop her. She was visiting us from France, staying in Austin, she was not in the American healthcare network and didn't want any drug or medication. Watching my mom in despair was painful and my only goal was to make her smile again. One of my former French adult student, was a holistic healer and I decided to contact her. She welcomed my call and offered a Reiki session to my mom and it was a transformation! Thanks to her, I was discovering Reiki, then she encouraged me to learn the first degree to help my mom, and also introduced me to meditation. The next 2 months my mom received many Reiki sessions and each time I've seen her revitalized, her face was glowing and her walk was improving! My mom was telling me how those sessions helped her to feel her legs alive and relieve her anxiety. Then she had to go back to France and soon afer she was diagnosed with ALS, an incurable disease... there was nothing we could really do except alleviate her mental suffering, which Reiki did.

The time my mom spent with us was precious as we found a tool to relieve her anxiety with no drugs. Our first intention was to make her smile again and this energy technique made her smile again!
Looking back, I realise how Reiki was a gift! Not only Reiki helped my mom but along with meditation, it also helped me grieve and continue to see the light even when my mom flew into another world few months later in September 2014.

Then, time passed and I slowly put Reiki aside until I became a massage therapist, 6 years after my mom passed away; Reiki came back to me and all the questions that sometimes torned me between belief and skepticism finally faded away. Some of my clients gave me feedbacks that encouraged me to embark in a complete Reiki training which I did with humility in a compassionate way.
Being a Reiki Master allows me to share this healing practice, to offer comfort, relaxation, pain and tensions reductions.